You've got a mail(1998)

" I turn on my computer. I wait patiently as it connects. I go online. My breath catches in my chest until I hear 3 little words, "You've got mail." I hear nothing, not a sound on the streets of New York. Just the beat of my own heart. I have mail...from you.'". Tom hanks and meg ryan gives some fantastic performances as joe fox and kathleen kelly. A very romantic film with lot of dialogues that would register into your memory. Into the story;Its about two persons contacting each other and developing friendship throught emails. Each day of their life starts by waiting to read the mail of the other person. The film also had some funny elements like tom hanks calling a 10 or less aged girl as his aunt, in fact she is his aunt, true but strange. If you are searching for a nice romantic film, this one will do the job for you. The film is really nice, you wont be disappointed.

OneLine: A heart warm romantic comedy film, but nothing special.



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