
Directed by James Mangold who later on directed the film 3:10 to Yuma. I was expecting the film to be an average one as most of the films in horror genre came up at those times were either purely average or disgusting. The exceptions were films made in foreign languages like [REC]. To my surprise the film went exceptionally well and i must say I was thrilled throughout the film. You can say the film is a closed one as most of the story takes place around a motel. One thing to be noted that there are only a few blood gore scenes throughout the film and that too wont make causal audience of the horror genre offensive. Everything is there but added lightly and was enough to show that the killing was brutal. About the story: It starts with a psychiatrist going through and analyzing the proofs and the observations he gathered by consulting a victim. He was confident that the observations he gathered by reading his diary and experience he had by meeting the victim of murders, are enough to make him non guilty even though he may have done the murders. So a last minute trial has been requested and granted which is going to take place. The doctor had requested the presence of the victim for the trial as his presence is a required factor. This sequence is paralleled with another story that revolves around a motel on a stormy night. People are gathered at a motel nearest to a highway due to circumstances like accident, road blocks caused by flood etc... . Some of those people are connected indirectly to an accident happened less than an hour ago. As they start staying in their room the story unfolds and people gets killed one by one . And those people gathered at motel were unable to find the victim. However the story takes a sharp turn as the victim in the other story is being questioned by the doctor. And there the story unfolds completely giving us a dramatic en-thrilling experience . Now the climax. Most of the thrillers need an eventful climax. And for me the film was successful in creating that. Absolutely clueless.
The editing and direction were fantastic. The story was excellently told. Agreed that there are some flaws as well, but who cares when film is such an entertaining one. Go and Watch if you haven't seen it yet.
>>Score A<<


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